Wow, just wow!

‘More Than This’ was one of those books that I have trouble describing, because right from the start it left me in awe. Initially, I didn’t even know the main character’s name, but I had connected with him within the first few seconds. How could I not when the very first scene was of him drowning?
This book took me to places where I couldn’t decide whether the character was in purgatory or in a post-apocalyptic world, or (there was this distant thought) he had been rescued and was dreaming. I didn’t know which way was up. All I knew was that I wanted more. I wanted to find out where Seth was, how he had come to be in the position he was now, and how he was going to make his way through to the other side.
Seth was a strong, yet vulnerable, character. He had so many realistic flaws and in his own way was very idealistic. He was a boy who felt strongly. And what I really liked about him was that he wasn’t afraid to cry. The range of emotions he felt were fitting to the situation he found himself in. He also had surprisingly strong survival instincts.
There were other characters in this book that came about a third of the way through. One character held that element of danger that’s needed to make a book suspenseful and edgy. And, boy, did it. That character had a serious spook factor.
The storyline was fascinating and the more I read it, the more enthralled I got. The plot became clearer and it had similarities to a movie I’ve seen. I won’t say what movie, because I think it would give most of the plot away and I don’t want to do that. Another reason I was drawn to this book was the writing style. Patrick Ness is a master of the English language and his prose is so lyrical and lovely. He has such a unique way of writing.
There’s so much more to this novel I could mention, but I feel like I would spoil it if I did. I will mention though that there was a very sweet romance in this book even if it was bittersweet. It was between Seth and another boy This relationship was what started the chain of events that led Seth to the world he was in now.
Overall, I loved this book and I have hope that there is going to be a sequel, because it ended in such a way that suggests there will be. I would recommend this to anyone, especially those who like sci-fi, post apocalyptic books.