A Reader's Heart

Focuses on reviews of Young Adult novels with honesty and integrity.  My ratings and reviews vary on how I feel about the book.   



The Weight of Souls (Strange Chemistry)

The Weight of Souls - Bryony Pearce

'Dead men take me to the nicest places' (pg 1)


From the very first sentence 'The Weight of Souls' had me hooked. The intensely, deadly scene at the start, to the enticing scenes at the end, were captivating, mysterious and downright terrific.


Taylor was a girl who just wanted to live a normal life. One without the torment from her peers, pressure from a parent and peace from the ghosts that only she could see. Victims whose souls cried out for justice.  What I really liked about Taylor was that she was Asian. It was nice to read about a girl from another culture than mine. My only disappointment was that I never really got to read more about it.


I was, however, impressed that the author had gone against the traditional route of the stereotypical white girl. Taylor had a lot going on with her life and had pressures that could have driven anyone else insane.There were other characters that I grew attached to as well. Justin, a boy who tormented Taylor for reasons she didn't know, didn't believe he was dead, that he had been murdered. Even though he started off as a bully, he had hidden traits so when I read more about him, I couldn't help, but like him. He was a perfect companion for Taylor.


The story line was imaginative and had a lot of flair. There was something really unique about the talent Taylor inherited from her mother. The events throughout the book flowed with thrilling brilliance.


I adored the writing style of this book. I must admit that I have read 'Angel's Fury' by this author, but I never got attached to that book in the same way I have this one. I positively adored this book - the exciting scenes, the characters (even creepy James) and the unexpected legend. A legend that may not be familiar to some people.I found it really hard to find anything that I didn't like. It was one of those books that just charmed me.


As such, I would recommend this book to anyone who likes fantasy mixed with ghostly characters.Now for my rating:- five out of five stars.

Nantucket Blue

Nantucket Blue - Leila Howland

'Nantucket Blue' was an enchanting coming-of-age novel that touched on some serious teenage issues, including teen sex and the loss of a loved one at an early age.


Cricket was a girl who was looking forward to spending her summer vacation in Nantucket with her best friend, Jules, and her family, but then a tragedy strikes.There was something really appealing about Cricket as a character. She cared about people, possibly too much. She faced everyday issues and she was nice to everyone, whether they deserved it or not. She dealt with awkward situations bravely. I loved her burgeoning self-confidence and growth in this story.


The secondary characters enhanced the brilliance of this novel and each one was special, even the ones who acted liked dimwits after certain things happened. There was only one character who I didn't get frustrated with because the tragedy that occurred can be dealt with in different ways and it can change a person. It can make them do things that they wouldn't ordinarily do.


The love interest in this book was adorable. I really liked the differences in this romance compared with other romance stories I've read about. It was more interesting and infinitely more sweet. There was an uniqueness about it, and even though there were complications to the budding romance, it still remained lovely. It really touched the hopeless romantic in me.


I enjoyed the writing style of 'Nantucket Blue' and the pace of the novel flowed well. There was also an enjoyable sub-plot happening in the novel, as well - particularly between Cricket and her mother. This book was a light and fun read - even with the tragedy that occurred.


I would recommend this book to anyone. I think everyone will find something they like about the book, even if they don't absolutely love it.Now for my rating:- four out of five stars.

Banish - Nicola Marsh

'Banish' was a curious blend of magic and psychological thriller. But not the type of magic you'd read about in books like Harry Potter, but more the old-fashioned pagan rituals type of magic. If I'm totally honest, it's not the type of magic I read about often and I much prefer the other kind. But this book did have some merits to it. It was kind of unique in fact.


A lot of it had the same familiar feel of any paranormal romance book out there today, although I have to admit, the romance was pretty light and not the focal point of this mysterious novel. As I mentioned above, it had large parts of psychological thriller to it. Alyssa had to find out who was trying to screw with her head. Added to that was the pressures her family were putting on her.


Alyssa was a typical teenager in some ways. She goes to school, has a boyfriend and enjoys life. There were some things I definitely didn't like about her though. She was stubborn to the point of stupid and she knew how to hold a grudge. I can definitely understand why she was like that, but it just carried on too far. Gosh, I just realized something as I was writing this, I wanted to point out some of her good qualities and I can't think of any. Her determination? I don't even know if I would class that as a good trait.


There were no secondary characters that stood out for me either, not even Ronan, who should have. Although, I did like him. He was supportive and a stabling influence on Alyssa. At times I struggled to keep reading 'Banish', but I continued because I wanted to find out what happened next.


Most of the problem I had with this book was that I didn't like the writing style. I think it was a case of this not being my type of book. I like this kind of genre, but I just didn't like the way it was executed. I didn't connect with the characters or story line at all. Other people have and will adore this book and despite the fact that I really wanted to like 'Banish', I'm afraid I'm not one of them.  But, despite my dislike for this book, I would recommend it to others to try. There's nothing in 'Banish' that I'm rabidly opposed to, it just wasn't my type of book.


Now for my rating:- one out of five stars

The Earth Painter - Melissa Turner Lee

'The Earth Painter' takes you on an unusual journey through the eyes of a girl who sees the near invisible. This paranormal novel has an unique slant to a story line I haven't read before. There was something almost fascinating about idea that the world could have been created by an artist - a painter. The whole concept sparked my interest. What was more interesting was that there were painters for land, water and the sky. The book also introduced school subjects as actual characters, such as, Biology, Chemistry and Geology - to name a few.


Holly, the main character, sees what other people don't notice and as such she is drawn into an extraordinary world where she and others fight to save something that the enemy wants to destroy out of spite and hatred of humans. She's a likable character, even if she is a rather isolated one. She has traits I really like in a characters. She stands up for herself, knows right from wrong - even at the cost of losing a friend and shows grim determination to make sure everything goes well. Of course, that doesn't always happen. And, she's very loyal to Theo.


Some of the secondary characters stood out also, particularly Holly's mother. She was definitely lost in her own world. I kind of felt sorry for her, even though I was angry with her on Holly's behalf. Another character who was interesting was Shelby. She was very delusional in her way and very obstinate in her beliefs. And I must say that the bad guy in this book is good and as much as I didn't like him, I appreciated the power he had over humans.


Although there were several serious moments, it was a lighthearted read. The writing and the pace of the story was okay. I wouldn't say it was the most gripping story I've ever read, but I did enjoy it Some parts of it, like the painting scenes were intriguing and I liked picturing what Theo painted. There was a curious blend of realism meets paranormal.I guess, overall, the book wasn't bad. It had a interesting story line and characters. I liked it.


I would recommend this book to anyone who likes paranormal novels.Now for my rating:-three out of five stars.  (This book was provided from the publisher in exchange for an honest review)

Sky's End

Sky's End - Lesley  Young

'Sky's End' is a intricately woven futuristic novel about a girl who searches for her missing brother.Every science fiction novel should (to me at least) have adventure, action and possibly a little romance as well and 'Sky's End' had this in abundance. There was new technology, several alien types and even new worlds to explore on the journey through this book. Right from the first page there was that feeling that I was about to start on a great adventure and I was right.


The characters held a certain charm and I really enjoyed the relationships between Cassiel, King and Or'ic. The characters all display traits of bravery and vulnerability. I would like to say that I connected with them, but I couldn't.


Part of the reason for that was because of the way the book was written. There was a lot of info-dumping in this novel. Large sections of text where it was explaining the worlds and how something came about. I guess you could say there was more 'telling' then 'showing'. I know it was kind of the back story, but it felt like it was too much. That being said though the story line was what captivated me with this book. I fell in love with the story. The pace of this book was fast and there was no chance of getting bored with this book at all. Also, it was clear to see that a lot of thought had gone into this book and the setting was easily believable. I also enjoyed the light romance and have even picked a 'team' to be on.


It also has a Young/New Adult feel to it. Some parts felt Young Adult, other felt New Adult. I think it was a genre crossover actually.'Sky's End' is not a clean novel sex wise. Those parts were small, but I did wonder if the scenes were going to lead into full blown sex scenes. They didn't, but I had to mention this because I know some readers prefer clean novels. If you're okay with sex scenes, and they are pretty minor, you won't mind this book.Also, there are some scenes that may offend some readers. There are scenes of male/female violence and Cassiel is objectified by some of the male characters. I think this was more to display that Cassiel was living in a 'man's' world.


All in all, I did enjoy this novel and I am definitely excited for the sequel if there is one. I really want to see what happens next with Cassiel, King and Or'ic and to learn more about the world Lesley Young has created.I would recommend this book to sci-fi lovers who don't mind a little bit of romance.Now for my rating:-Three out of five stars(I was provided Sky's End by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.)


Towering - Alex Flinn

There's something magical about Fairy-tale retellings. They take your imagination to places you don't usually go. But I think it's more than that - they allow your inner child to come out and play. It allow adults to relive their childhood and teenagers to dream a little.


Rachel is a girl who is caught in a destiny that was not of her making - one who is trapped until her prince, in this case, Wyatt, comes to aide her to free herself and her people from the 'Rhapsody' that is slowly killing them.Rachel was kind of weird to me. She had an innocence about her that just isn't real in the world of today, but I guess that was just a part of her charm. I liked her. In a world filled with cynicism, her naivete was kind of refreshing. And I really liked that when she decided to do something, she did it.


Wyatt was harder to connect with. I felt that he came into the picture with me missing half of his story. I don't know if he was in a previous book or not. I still liked him, even with all that. He represented the 'prince', but he wasn't the 'hero' in the book. He had this kind of frailty about him that gave Rachel a sharper edge.


The plot itself was a little unsatisfactory - not between Wyatt and Rachel, even though there was a bit of insta-love - but because I expected more from the story for her reason for remaining hidden so long. I understood what the 'Rhapsody' represented, but I still felt a little disappointed. The ending felt a little anti-climatic too. I felt a bit frustrated that the ending seemed to come out from nowhere.I still enjoyed it though.


I liked that the novel was in duo voices and the character voices were good too. The pace was a bit choppy in places - it was slow in some places, faster in others. But, despite that,I enjoyed the writing.All in all, I thought this book was okay. It did appeal to me and I came away from it with a good feeling.


Now for my rating:-Three out of five stars.

Prodigal - Rektok Ross

'Prodigal' was a carefully woven faith-based story about a girl learning to cope with the loss of a loved one in her life.Now I don't usually read faith-based novels, but every now and then I'll read a summary and think I'll enjoy it...and as long as it's not riddled with bible stories and such (where it feels like the author's trying to teach me something) then I give it a go.


Anyway, I was given an arc of this some time ago and I decided to read it while I had the chance.And I have to say I was glad I did.There was something almost natural about the way some of the bible stories were written into the book. Sometimes when tragedy hits your life, you ask the question of why? People deal with it different ways, but it seemed so natural that Lexy started asking questions about faith and God. Yeah, I have a squeamish feeling in my stomach even writing about God, but there you have it, because I was very impressed with this book.


The story line, even though I've read a similar plot before, was done so well it didn't matter. I could relate to the story line - mainly because I lost my father about a month ago. I felt Lexy's pain -with not only the loss of her loved one, but also with the other dramas she had in her life.Prodigal was such a fun novel, but also a sad one at times. It made me cry anyway.


That's another thing I liked about this book - the range of emotions it made me feel. It made me laugh, cry and want to throw things. The writing made it that way - just like the characters did.Lexy was a girl who had left everything behind and had to start fresh because of it. She handled almost seamlessly. Was she perfectly behaved? Nah, but she wasn't a snarky cow either. I think she was very pragmatic. She was likable and relatable in the way she dealt with things. She didn't become instantly popular, but neither was she immediately disliked. And that's what I liked. She was real.


Every now and then I'll come across a boy main character who deserves to be crush-worthy and I think Ash was. Sure, he was the hottest, sexiest, blah, blah , blah around, but he was also a spineless coward some of the time. His reasons for this were sound, even if his beliefs were not ... and I'm not talking about religion here. He was so well loved that his sister had his back and I liked that. It was so nice to see a normal brother/sister relationship. Sure, brothers and sisters fight when they're children, but most of the time they get along. I know I did with my brother.


And the secondary characters were done really well, especially Blythe. I really loved her transition during the story. She was developed in such a way that my thoughts of her had completely turned around by the time I had finished 'Prodigal'. My compliments to Rektok for having the skill to change my mindset about a character.


The only thing I didn't like about 'Prodigal' was that I felt some of scenes could have been fleshed out more. Some of the more serious parts felt like they had just been skimmed over and it would have been a lot more moving if they had been better developed. All in all, though, this was an absolutely fantastic faith-based read.I would recommend this to anyone who likes general fiction, although it wouldn't suit someone who absolutely loathed religion in their books. It might just drive you nuts.


Now for my rating :-Four out of five stars.

Ultraviolet - R.J. Anderson

'Ultraviolet' takes a reader on a journey they never expect to take.The mystery and adventure starts on the very first page and doesn't stop. I really enjoyed how it started in the mental institution with Alison's sanity in question. That kind of start instantly had me intrigued with her story.


The plot was quite ingenious, with that edge of the unexpected. The truth is that the summary doesn't really give much away and I never expected it to end up being a genre crossover.


Alison was an interesting character and it was fantastic to read about a condition that I never heard of and yet people suffer from. Sure, for the sake of the book it had been exaggerated, but I think that added to the appeal of the story. She was a very likable character. She suffered through a lot and even though there were instances where she was a bit frosty, she came through at the end. Her relationship with her mother was a bit shaky, but I think it was a case of angst more than anything else.


Faraday was a character that I was fascinated with from the moment he was introduced into the novel.. I really adored the fact that he was a mystery - that he helped Alison in ways that no one else could. And, of course, he played the part of Alison's love interest. In most books it's obvious who the love interest would be, but what I really loved was I wasn't expecting it to be him.


The secondary characters gave the book the spark it needed to make the book relatable. I loved reading about the interactions between all the characters. Even the ones I didn't like I wondered about what their story was.


The writing was lovely and flowed really well. There was so much going on that I never had time to get bored. In fact, I was quite disappointed when it finished and, especially, how it finished. I'll definitely be reading 'Quicksilver' when I get a copy of it. I look forward to finding out what happens next. As you can tell I really enjoyed it and would recommend this to anyone who likes a touch of realism with their sci-fi.


Now for my rating:- four out of five stars.

If You Find Me

If You Find Me - Emily Murdoch

'If You Find Me' is a gripping novel that can tear at your heartstrings and make you want to punch the bad guy. It can make you cry, angry and content all at the same time. At least, that's what this book did to me. Carey and her sister, Jenessa, are two girls who struggle to survive in the woods while their mother disappears for long periods of time - until the day comes when she disappears completely - only the two girls don't know it. It's only when two strangers turn up to take them away that they learn life as they know it was about to change in the form of their father and a step-family.


From the first page Carey's voice charmed me. It was instantly recognizable and strong and I felt her every troubled emotion at having to keep her upbringing a secret. She fought to keep her sister comfortable and to make her feel safe as she moved from the wilderness to town life to live with strangers - her own father. She was a survivor who did what she had to do and she made no apologies for it. It's the way she was that made Carey such an unforgettable character - well, at least, that's my opinion.


Jenessa was another charmer. Even at six-years-old, she had the ability to love. She had been practically brought up by Carey. She managed to connect with everyone around her. From a three-legged dog to a teenager I wasn't sure I was going to like, but it ended up that I did. I think it was mostly due to Carey's influence.The secondary characters in this book were just as brilliant as the main characters. They all added to the story. But, it was the story itself that held me spellbound. I was totally fascinated by the way Carey handled her growing relationship with her father, her stepmother and her stepsister. Not to mention how she related to school after being home-schooled since she was very young.


There's a realism about this book that was so chilling and I had to take a breath and step back just to try and remember it was a book. Emily's 'If You Find Me' brought out emotions in me that I never normally feel.It's well written and I loved some of the prose. It was descriptive without being overly so. The pace was also good. There were no lulls at all. I think it was mainly because there was always something new for Carey to learn or face and I think I was emotionally invested in the book. I love books like that.I'm trying to find things that I didn't like about it, and I don't think I can.


There was no insta-love or anything remotely like it. The slight romantic feel I got from the book was cute and there was an explanation behind it. I really loved Ryan and the twist Emily created for this character.I guess this is one book where all I can do is gush.


Anyway, now for my rating:- five out of five stars.


Dualed -

If you want an action-packed with death-around-every-corner type of book then this is definitely the one for you.


West lives in a world where only the strongest survive and to be the strongest you need to kill your Alt. The Alt is someone who has the same genetic make-up as each other only raise in different families. Through time, West has lost a lot of her family through Alt killings, with her brother Luc dying in unexpected circumstances. To build herself up to be able to face killing her Alt one day, she become a Striker - a killer for hire.


In a strange kind of way the start of the novel felt like I had started the book somewhere in the middle. It felt like I had missed something essential. I won't deny that the book was action-packed, but I didn't really like or see the point of her senseless killing of other people just because she didn't have the bravery or the self-confidence to face her Alt on her own.


I'm feeling really mixed-up on whether I actually liked West or not. I guess I did in some ways, but in others she came across as stupid - even if I did understand her reasoning behind what she did.I did like how it flashed back to her past and how I could see her relationships with her dead family. She was close to all of them and felt guilt over their deaths, particularly her brother Luc's death.


The pace of the book was good, if maybe a little fast. And, I did like Chord. He was a boy who had faced his Alt, with disastrous results. He tried to keep a promise he had made to his dying friend, although he had trouble doing it. There weren't any secondary characters worth mentioning. Their parts in the story were really short and just there for the continuing of the story line.


The story line itself was brilliant. I've never read a book where the character became an assassin to learn how to save herself. I thought that was really unique. To be honest, this book left me with so many mixed feelings that has me really confused about whether I like the book or not. It's not often a book does that to me.I guess in this case I'll leave it to you, the reader, to decide whether you love it or not.


I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Dystopian novels.As for me, I have decided to go with this rating because as much as things disturbed me about the book, I did, when I weigh up the pros and cons, like it. I just don't think it will be a book I'd read again.


Now for my raiting:-three out of five stars.

A Shimmer of Angels (The Angel Sight Series)

A Shimmer of Angels  - Lisa M. Basso

When a girl's reality isn't the insanity that people think it is. Strange, but true.


'A Shimmer of Angels' introduces us to a tale of a girl who has been thinking she has been crazy for years. What really intrigued me was that there was a sense of reality blended into fantasy in this novel that makes it somehow different from other angel books I've read. And, I've read a few.


The characters were a large part of what I loved about this book. They were relatable in a weird kind of way, especially Rayna. It was fascinating to read about her as she moved through the story. Her voice and reactions were priceless. Somehow, I could feel what Rayna was going through and that made reading this novel more enjoyable. And, strangely it made me think it was entirely possible that the beings she could see existed for real.


There are two main male characters and they both had an important part to play in this book. And as much as I usually rage against love triangles, I had to admit I kind of enjoyed this one. Haha, I am definitely on a team - mainly because there's something I really liked about him. He's not what he seems, I'm convinced of it, and there's an interesting plot twist that makes me fascinated in how this story will continue. And, I think Rayna is perfect for both of them.


I have to say that the plot was actually quite clever. It dealt with dark subject matter in a way that was spine-chilling, but not the stuff to cause nightmares. 'A Shimmer of Angels' was a story I could sink my teeth into. Maybe not in the way of some other books that are emotionally driven, but in the way of a good story. I really liked Lisa M. Basso's writing style as well. The pace of the story was great too. Not too fast, but definitely not too slow either.


Overall, I really enjoyed this story and will be going on just to see more of the characters and to see where the plot is headed. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys fantasy, love triangles and a touch of realism.


Now for my rating: three out of five stars.

Walking in the Shadows - Cassandra Giovanni, E.S. Tom

This book played with my mind and gave me new meaning to the word 'vampire'.Vera is a girl with a past. A haunting past that she thought she had left behind her. She's an independent girl who falls in love with a boy, well, man really, only to discover later that he is her English Teacher. Unable to resist, even knowing that they could be caught, they continue to date. You'd think that would be the worst. But, no. Vera's past comes back to haunt her in a way she can't imagine when a girl from her school is killed in a 'vampire' style killing.


There was something about this book that I really enjoyed - well, several things actually. I'm a sucker for a good romance and one that seemed star-crossed is my favorite. Add a psychological thriller type plot to the book and you have me hooked. Walking in the Shadows had both. Even though I usually prefer characters to have a loving family, Walking in the Shadows had me appreciating that a character was strong on their own and that the bonds of a family can be developed in different ways.


Vera is close to her boss, who also happens to be her Godmother. Vera goes to school, has a job (even though I don't think she has to work) and has an apartment of her own. You'd think that would be unrealistic, but when you read about the reasons why its that way, you'll understand.I really liked the relationship between Vera and Tad. They were so perfect for each other. Haha, but I would say that being the hopeless romantic I am.Tad was someone who wouldn't give up on the girl he had fallen in love with, even if it meant his career. That's what was so cute about it, while he was not caring, she was.


But the thing that interested me most about Walking in the Shadows was the mysterious, psychological thriller side of it. It reminded me of a CSI episode. Who killed the Vera's parents? Who killed the girl at school and later her boyfriend? And would Tad arrive to save the day when the killer had Vera in their sights? The fact that Cassandra had chosen to use a vampire-type killing style in her book was quite inspired. And the way she tied it in with a vampire movie series know as Crimson Tide even better. It showed the dark side of fanaticism.


Now, I must admit that I felt that the writing itself wasn't up to the same standard as some of my favorite authors, but I still enjoyed it and judged Walking in the Shadows on its other merits.I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a cute romance with the cutting edge of a thriller.


Now for my rating:-Four out of five stars.

The Iron King - Julie Kagawa

A Fae world riddled with the mysterious and the unexpected.All Meghan Chase knows is that she comes from a family that lives in the swamp and who are very poor. She feels ignored, but not neglected. When the boy she's crushing on believes she played a prank on him, he retaliates with a vicious one of his own, leaving Meghan's world crumbling in despair. Only Robbie, her friend, remains at her side. But her world is not what it seems and as the unexpected happens and Robbie turns into a person who she has only ever known in books her life changes and will never be the same again.


There was something about 'The Iron King' that I really enjoyed. Maybe it was the way the characters were done or the way the plot was handled. Or maybe it was because it had elements of my favorite characters from 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' in it. Or maybe it was all of the above.'The Iron King' starts out with a certain kind of reality. How many of us have been accused of doing something we never did and been humiliated by it? That's what happens to Meghan in this book. Worst of all, it was something done to her crush and he retaliates in such a horrible way. It's during this time that the Fae element really comes into play and Meghan finds out that the world is not what she thought it was. Meghan and her friend Robbie, aka Puck, escape into the Fae world - especially when someone special, her brother, is stolen from her.This is a book that has endless action in it. I don't think I ever had a dull moment while I was reading it.


'The Iron King' reminded me a little of 'The Neverending Story', in that it seemed the children were dreaming not of faeries, goblins and other fantasy creatures or worlds, but of something else instead. Haha not saying what because that, I think, would be a spoiler. I did enjoy it when Meghan met up with Machina - the bad guy in this tale. The story line took an interesting when that happened.There was a lot of deception and favors asked for in this book. It makes me shudder to think that a person would refuse to do something just for the sake of doing it without having someone owing them a favor in return. Yet that is how the Fae world works. Maybe it works in the real world as well, but I just can't fathom it.I really enjoyed the characters, particularly Grimalkin. I seem to have a thing for Fae cats.


Puck was exactly the mischievous maker I thought he should be, but he was pretty harmless with it. I had never really thought of Puck as a protector before, but he certainly was in this book. I have a feeling that Meghan's love interest is going to be Ash though I liked Ash, but having him as her love interest just feels so predictable. Puck has always been the underdog and I have a thing for underdogs. I guess it will all come to light in the other books when I read them.


Some of the characters surprised me - like Titania. I never pictured her as evil. I always knew she was prideful and sometimes brutal, but her utter hatred of Meghan actually shocked me. I guess I could understand why though. Meghan was living proof that her husband had strayed.Overall, I really enjoyed The Iron King, which is not surprising since I'm a fan of the author's writing.


I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy, especially Fae stories.Now for my rating:-Four out of five stars.

Watch Me Disappear - Diane Vanaskie Mulligan

Rage! I feel a slight rage towards this book. Not the 'I hate the book' kind of rage, but the 'I could slap some of the characters senseless' kind.Lizzie is a girl who arrives in a new town and has had a limited social life in the past. She's the type of girl who has never had a cellphone, hasn't got a Facebook page or even an email address. Her parents have made sure of that.


When she meets Maura and Maura tricks her parents into getting Lizzie as a babysitter, that is when Lizzie's wings start to spread and she's starts to get more involved with social networking.I think the thing that really got to me was the unrequited love aspect of this book. There was a part of me that hoped that one character would end up getting what they wanted. I cursed this book. I raged on some of the characters and I came away from the book feeling like I wanted to hit someone.Paul came across as a nice friendly guy and he was up front and honest, but he also came across as a sleaze. What kind of boy would give a girl hope that something romantic would come of their relationship, when all the time he was just using her to get close to her best friend?" Yeah, raging all over the place. Sure, he was upfront, but, grrrr.


There was just a depth of betrayal in this book and the 'sisters before misters' went right out the window. Sure you can't help who you fall in love with, but you sure as hell don't drop your friends because you have a boyfriend. If you do, you're a fool, because they're the ones who are there for you when you go into crisis mode. But that's what happened in this book.There's so much about this book that I want to say, but I can't because I'd be giving you spoilers left, right and center. This way I keep you guessing. But, I really love how it got to me - and in a way where books usually don't. I guess it was the topic.


Haha, yeah, I was dramatic in this review but it's the way I felt.I don't know how to even explain the complexities in this book. It wasn't so much the writing that made it so, but the relationships. It was a very relationship driven book. The one good thing about this book was that it was in no way boring. I read the whole story in only a few hours, because I just couldn't wait to see what happened.Anyway, I would recommend this book to anyone who like relationship-driven books.Now for my rating:-three out of five stars.


Croak (Croak, #1) - Gina Damico

This is so comically funny even with its somewhat violent characters!  Lex is a sixteen-year-old girl whose violent tendencies are the despair of her family. In an attempt to change her back to the pleasant girl she once was, her parents ship her off to her Uncle Mort, tearing her away from the twin sister she has never been separated from before. Once there she discovers that her uncle is not what he seems to be and he introduces her to his community of Croak, which only have about 50 occupants in it. He also his her his trade - being a Grim Reaper. Thrown head first into a summer job she never expected the fun really begins when humans are killed before their time.


'Croak' was a book that had me choking back my laughter one minute and gasping in horror the next. I think that's what I liked about it. There was never a dull moment. Right from the start, 'Croak' had me hooked with its characters and story line. Lex was such a relatable character with her attitude and the way she didn't understand why she acted some of the ways she does. That happens to normal teenager. I loved how she had a loving family and when it came to what was best for Lex, they sent her away to her uncle.Unlike other Grim Reaper stories, not that I've read many,


I loved the community of Croak. It was so funny how they treated the people who up there by accident. They were a tight-knit community, but when you considered what they did it was exactly a surprise. I couldn't help, but feel for them when one of their own turned traitor. There's nothing I like more than a twist and the end of someone I never expected was definitely a twist.I really love a book when I get enraptured by the cast of characters and 'Croak' had that in spades. I enjoyed the story-line and the writing style so much. I haven't read a book for some time that had captivated my interest like this book did.


Some of the aspects of the book was just straight out nonsensical, but I guess it just hit my weird sense of humor. Things like jellyfish being sensitive to death and meeting the dead presidents of the United States in the afterlife.There was a mystery here, a quite serious one, but with the writing being so comical it was hard to take it seriously. And, I must admit that the more serious part of it didn't really start until about the middle of the book. I think it was the middle. But, even with that though, I still enjoyed this book.I would recommend this to any fantasy lover, especially those who appreciate worlds that are humorous, yet somewhat serious, all at the same time.


Now for my rating:- four out of five stars.

The Seven Markets - David Hoffman

Have you ever read one of those books and thought 'yeah, I like this' and then sat back and wondered, 'Wait...what exactly is this book about again?' Yeah, that's how I feel about this book, Seven Markets.Ellie MacReady is getting ready for her boyfriend to propose to her at a fabled market, however she ends up being bewitched by the Market Prince. She sees through the glamours of several people who visit the market and then gets swept into the mystery of the markets to come.


'The Seven Markets' left me with a lot of unanswered questions - like how the market came to be at all. For a market like this to exist, there must have been some kind of back story to it, yet - nothing. And, that's what kept surfacing while I was reading this book, and as such took something away from my enjoyment. -sigh- There was just not enough world-building for the market itself and the people in it to satisfy me.


'The Seven Markets' was a hodgepodge of genres - fantasy, fairy-tale and science fiction - which I would have normally loved, but something about the book just missed the mark. There's a prince in it, I don't even know his name, he's just known as Prince. That in itself is just weird. Even so, what's his story? Why does he spirit Ellie away? We are given a two sentence answer for it that is just not enough - much like the author had thought 'oh wait, why does he do this?' and then just stuck something in to explain it. (no offence to David) Why had the Prince been exiled? What had he done in his homeland that had made him the member of the royal family who had to visit the market? What exactly was he to begin with that he had that kind of magical ability to be able to entranced Ella? There are so many other questions I had, but I list all of them down.


Characters with no back story or development just annoy me - especially when the book kind of revolves around them.The characters didn't stand out to me. Not that I didn't like some of them. I did like Ellie although my feelings were fixed about her. I thought she was a strong character, but to go through life, just for vengeance over a guy. No, just no. Even though I was kind of pissed off at what the Prince did to make her angry and I did enjoy her antics as the book continued.


The story line was something I enjoyed though. I particularly enjoyed seeing the different time periods. It was amazing the amount of time that passed while this story being told. That made this book unique. Hmm, so I don't really have anything else to add. The reality is, even though I really wanted to love this book, I couldn't. I just felt there was too much missing.


I would recommend this book to anyone who like time-travel books, fairy-tales and something different.Now for my rating:- two out of five wands.

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